Stirring From Words

Stirring From Words

by SleepyArcher 


Words are strange things, and seemingly endowed with unique powers. Of course, this depends on the situation at hand. Without the circumstances favouring them, they are little more than lines and points drawn on a paper or even pitiful, mere sounds produced by one's throat swiftly losing their potential. Of course, future "correct" circumstances may unleash their potential yet poor memories can become the ultimate obstruction in the path of glory of spoken words. Written words, clearly emerge as the victor in such cases. This has long been accepted by society and also included in important social functions.

Perhaps this was the reason why Nairiti believed the rumours of her husband's infidelity when she saw the sheet of paper he had left especially for her on the table.

Reading the letter yet again, Nairiti wondered whether this was a rare situation where spoken words would take precedence over written ones. Surely they would have been able to provoke at a reaction from her. Any reaction that should go with the confirmation that one's spouse of over two decades has cheated on them with their own sister. A reaction that would express the devastation of her marriage and even her life to a certain extent. Yet, she felt nothing. No rage, no grief, no feelings of betrayal or loss. Nothing at all.

Which was strange, especially for a person who was determined to not pay any attention to the rumours buzzing around lately. Of course, this was an outsider's perspective. Someone close to Nairiti would reply that she had a habit of not believing rumours until there was solid evidence backing them.

And, in this instance the perpetrator had confessed already. Nairiti looked at the spot on the wall just above the table on which her husband had left his letter confessing his infidelity and request for divorce. A huge picture hung there. It showed a happy family of three and was taken the last time the three of them went together to dine out. It was four years ago.

As per the rumours and the confession letter her husband had started his affair five years ago.

Staring at the picture, Nairiti felt the first stirrings of emotion since she read the letter. Startlingly enough, it was a relief. Relief from the years of suspicions, estrangement and overall breakdown of the relationship. The relief expressed itself outwardly in the form of bubbling laughter.

She laughed and laughed and laughed. And amidst the laughter, she failed to notice the growing shadow in the room that took a distinct feline shape.

Author's Note: This story was not originally written as a follow-up to As Evening Sets. In fact, I started writing this before As Evening Sets but ended up finishing it after the the latter. So, it got the influence. I'm still not sure if they can be stringed together.


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