As Evening Sets

As Evening Sets

by SleepyArcher 

Digital painting of a road and evening sky. Trees line the sides of the road along with light posts on the pavement. A silhouette is shown standing on the road near the pavement and light post.

The sun had set a little while ago and evening was chasing away the last traces of dusk now. The time, though, if one were to check a clock, was a bit early and if one didn't know better then it would seem as if the sun had also been chased away by the coming evening. Still, it was officially winter and the hasty sunset could be forgiven.

The street lights had turned on and their glow complemented the palette of the young evening sky well. The road washed with the shades of blue, purple, pink and yellow, seemed like something out of a fantasy world as compared to its rather mundane and urban roots. The lonely LP Road that connected the Nine Castle residential complex to the city was now looking for all the world, like a road from the land of Oz.

The silhouette of the limping figure blended into the fantasy perfectly. Had this been an opening scene in a film, the audience would have tossed popcorn in their mouth and sat straighter in anticipation for the plot to start unfolding. Alas, reality was not a film in this instance and there was not a single soul present to bear witness to the figure stepping off the pavement onto the road and then standing there while swaying gently.

After staying in that position for a while, the figure seemed to have made a decision. A trembling hand reached inside the pocket of the coat and brought out a thin package. Another hand came up and slowly removed the cover to reveal a razor blade.

Before the figure could make another movement, a white light flashed and the word 'STOP' appeared on the road. The silhouette froze before letting out a sigh and pocketing the blade after replacing its cover. The figure then started moving towards the STOP and eventually crossed it, continuing in the same direction

A pair of blue eyes tracked the process of the figure, from the shadows cast by the trees. When the figure faded from view, the eyes melted back into the shadows.


Author's Note: This very short story was a result of a tiny idea bugging me when I finished that picture and a conversation on the same with a friend. The conversation happened a while ago but the idea stayed until I finally managed to give it a shape. Honestly speaking, I have no clue if I should or want to continue it.


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